What Can We Do Now?

Together we have done so much. And there is so much more we can do. Dolores Huerta isn’t slowing down. And neither is CVM.

Dolores Huerta, our mentor and friend, will join us again on Thursday, Sept. 5 at 5:30 PDT for our last online event before the November election to help our grassroots groups’ last push to get out the vote. Her work inspires us all!

What an honor to be in her presence at this key moment in history as she shares her wisdom and vision. These are such trying times, and we all know that action is the antidote to anxiety and more important now than ever! Donating strategically is a powerful form of activism. Can we dig a little deeper this year?

We invite you to join us to raise at least an additional $100K at this event. Our Early Challenge match has begun thanks to our wonderful supporters who have already donated almost $23,000. Can you donate strategically to support efforts for this key House seat today too? These funds will support our grassroots groups, the Central Valley’s trusted messengers, to knock on hundreds more doors and get out thousands more votes in November.

After hiring and training, our six local groups are sending their canvassers out right now in the Central Valley’s searing summer heat to reach more voters. (Temperatures of 115 degrees are being recorded.) CVM remains grateful to all our friends who have all given so generously to support this work. Whatever we can do now, a final push before elections is one more chance to help elect candidates who will uphold our democracy and our future.

This late-push funding can pay for:

  1. Hiring more local youth for Dolores Huerta Action Fund (partisan) to knock on every door, call every household, and meet everyone where they live to get out the vote for these last four months

  2. Adding more canvassers for Community Water Center Action Fund (partisan) to fill out a team of 20 canvassers working each week through November 5

  3. Expanding capacity for Valley Voices’ (nonpartisan) get-out-the-vote campaign to reach two more Latino-majority census tracts in Kings County

  4. Buying billboard space to be arranged by Delano Guardians (nonpartisan) to display get-out-the-vote messages along Highway 99, one of the central corridors through the Central Valley

Your generosity gives us hope. Are your funds limited? Maybe you can donate a smaller amount monthly to support our groups? This is community building that takes long term investment. THANK YOU!

We are acutely aware of how close the Congressional race could be in CD 22. Every person who doesn’t make it to the polls is a vote lost.


The Lay of the Land: Updates from our Grassroots Groups