How to Give

Central Valley Matters’s groups are working day in and day out to change the entrenched voter suppression and disenfranchisement in CD 22. This takes patience, loyalty and persistence. Your ongoing support will make the difference.

Central Valley Matters’ vetted groups:

501(c)(4) groups (Partisan) Not tax deductible

ACT BLUE 501(c)(4) CVM campaign

501(c)(3) groups (Nonpartisan) Tax deductible

ACT BLUE 501(c)(3) CVM campaign

If you want to donate using your donor advised fund (DAF), IRA, or required minimum distribution (RMD), use this link: Donation FAQs for CVM- 2024  

Please reach out to so we can track our progress.

The legacy that we leave our nation (and our children and grandchildren and our communities) truly matters.  


The Lay of the Land: Updates from our Grassroots Groups


Rising to the Challenge